
How to Make Faux Sea Glass

It has been popping up more and more these days. Creations made from driftwood, shells, and sea (or beach) glass. Beautiful things, like mobiles, sculptures, lamps, and more. But some people just don't have the time (or even energy) to look for the elusive sea/beach glass, and because of its rarity, those who do look for it find it in less amount than they hope for. Never fear, citizen, for it is I, the blogger, who shall tell you,

How to make Faux Sea/Beach Glass

It's incredibly simple, but a word of caution.
This is fake sea glass. Keyword: FAKE. The glass will not have the same texture of real sea glass, which is more battered and pitted than this version. Nevertheless, if you still call it faux, or fake sea glass, it tends to be much less misleading. Whenever using it in projects, word it the same way (i.e. fake sea glass pendant, faux beach glass medallion, e.t.c) in order to avoid accusations against you if you might be using it in items that are for sale.

It's easy, easier than you might think. And kind of fun preparing it, too. But in order to create this work of magic, you'll need these things.

Things you'll need

  • A rock tumbler
  • Unwanted glass (mason jars, beer bottles, e.t.c.)
  • Safety goggles (safety first!)
  • A hammer
  • Two paper bags
  • A handful or two of sand- The coarser, the better!

The garden trowel pictured is optional should you prefer it to digging the sand with your hands.

All right! Let's get started! There are two relatively easy steps to this.

STEP 1: Crushing the Glass

Put on those safety goggles and look fabulous! Next, take your paper bags and put one inside of the other, like so.

Add your various glass bottles...

And crush it with an iron fist into smallish pieces! (You can use your hammer, too.)

(psst! If you decide to hold the bag, use protective gloves! Just in case)


Take your freshly shattered glass and fill your rock tumbler container 2/3 of the way full. Either pour it into the tumbler, or pick it up and put it in (wearing gloves, please)

(That face on the bag watches you- it approves of your DIY)
Next, add a handful or so of sand, and fill the container with just enough water so that a thin layer covers the top of the glass. Now screw on the lid (TIGHTLY) and put it into the rock tumbler.
Remember to put your rock tumbler into the garage or an unused room, somewhere where it won't be a disturbance to anyone.

Set to tumble for four days. Once four days of constant wondering-when-your-glass-is-done-tumbling is over, retrieve the container and open it. Carefully. Inside will be.....

A brown foam.
Have no fear! You have many options, one being dumping the lot into a sieve and rinsing it out outside, or dumping it onto a driveway and washing the sand off the glass pieces.
A WORD OF CAUTION:  Do NOT rinse out your tumbler container in the sink. The sand will likely clog up the drainage system. Do it outside, on the pavement or in grass.

Lay the glass on absorbent paper (paper towel) or absorbent cloth so that they may dry. Clean out the container, and the tumbler, if it was dirtied, and either repeat the process or enjoy your newly-created faux sea glass!

Thanks for reading!

UPDATE: A short tutorial will be coming soon on how to drill holes in the glass! Stay tuned.


  1. AnonymousJune 02, 2014

    Hello saddened me do not speak very well.
    Your tuto is brilliant! Thank you for your advice(councils).
    On the other hand how called the machine which allows you to work the glass? What is that we can easily buy him(it), on the Internet for example?
    Thank you for your answer
    Cordially Jordan

    1. You can buy a dremel tool or something similar on ebay, etsy, or even amazon. I hope this helped!

    2. You can also buy a rock tumbler on these sites as well.
